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This is a list of regular events throughout the calendar year.
Check the parish Google Calendar for updated listings.

You may find a physical liturgical calendar in our narthex, or a digital one here.


Annual Meeting (Third Sunday)​


Lent and Eastertide

Dinner Group Kickoff

Mardi Gras party (Sunday before Ash Wednesday)

Lenten Quiet Day (First Saturday in Lent)

Friday Stations, Supper, and Study (except first Friday and Good Friday)

Spring Parish Work Party

Easter Sunday Potluck and Egg Hunt



May Crowning and Neighborhood Picnic

Parish Day at the Ballpark



Ice Cream Social



Sunday School Recommences



Blessing of the Animals (First Saturday)

St. Francis Day Potluck Lunch (Sunday after Oct. 4)

Annual Rummage Sale



Thanksgiving Day Dinner

Winter Work Party

Nov./Dec. Advent Lessons and Carols (First Sunday of Advent)



Nov./Dec. Advent Lessons and Carols (First Sunday of Advent)

Advent Quiet Day (Second Saturday in Advent)

Angel Tree Party

Jesus' Birthday Party after the "Midnight" Mass of Christmas Eve

Holy Innocents Evensong and Pro-Life Fundraiser (Dec. 28)

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