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At St. Francis, we describe ourselves as "Passionately Anglican, Devoutly Catholic." Anglicanism is the continuation of the Catholic Faith as practiced in the British Isles, expressed both in doctrine and liturgy. We have included resources here to describe our history and faith and equip you to participate fully in the mass.

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Our Worship


The Anglican Church worships according to the Western Rite of the Church, which is better experienced than discussed. We encourage you to join us for a sung mass on Sundays at 10:15am, or a low mass (liturgy without music) Sundays at 8am or throughout the week. We have booklets in the pews to help you follow along while you learn the liturgy. If you want to become familiar with the music and pattern of the mass beforehand, Fr. Matkin has created a chant tutorial playlist. You may also watch any of the masses previously streamed on Fr. Matkin's channel.


We encourage you to take advantage of the sacrament of reconciliation, offered Saturdays 9:30-10am or by appointment, in preparation for worship:


Fr. Matkin's YouTube channel includes chant tutorials for use throughout the church year:



Visitors who are baptized Christians, who repent of their sins (which may include sacramental confession for serious sins, see Exhortation), have faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament (see 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 and John 6:51-58), and who receive it in their own church may receive Holy Communion with us.  At the altar rail, the Host is placed on the tongue and the Precious Blood is offered by common cup. We also follow the tradition of fasting before Communion. If you are not baptized or are not prepared to receive the sacrament on a particular occasion, remember that there is no obligation to receive Communion and that anyone is welcome to come forward to receive a blessing instead (cross your arms over your chest at the altar rail to indicate a desire for a blessing). If you have any questions, please speak to our priest, Father Matkin.​


Our Faith

We encourage you to read the below tracts to gain a basic understanding of how we, as Anglicans, understand ourselves. Our own Fr. Timothy Matkin has written an award-winning essay on the heart of Anglicanism and has also taught an Anglican Catechism. These, in addition to the series "An Apology of Anglicanism" by Fr. Tim Rice of St. Timothy's in North Carolina, provide a good basis for understanding Anglicanism.

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